Ukraine: Results of 3rd Round and New Blocks
Results of 3rd Licensing Round and New Blocks
In the result of Third licensing round of online oil and gas auctions in Ukraine, national company UGV grabbed seven concession blocks with gross acreage of 1240 sq km for $3,5 million.
Also three more concession blocks will be e-auctioned by State Geological Service of Ukraine in September, 16. More information in Ukrainian can be downloaded here:
1) Pryazovskyi block with initial price ~ $ 854 000 https://prozorro.sale/auction/UA-PS-2019-06-18-000049-2
2) Tatalivska block with initial price ~ $ 985 000 https://prozorro.sale/auction/UA-PS-2019-06-18-000050-2
3) Yavorivska block with initial price ~ $ 245 000 https://prozorro.sale/auction/UA-PS-2019-06-18-000043-2
Regarding the auction’s procedure, we recommend to contact Ukrainian Energy Exchange (https://www.ueex.com.ua/eng/) and visit www.goukrainenow.com.
For a summary of the Licensing rounds click here: Licensing rounds_18.06.19
Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.
Roman Opimakh
Executive Director
Association of Gas Producers of Ukraine