
CGEF Presents: Recording of the ‘Hydrogen and the Transition to Net Zero Energy Systems’ Webinar
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CGEF Presents: Recording of the ‘Hydrogen and the Transition to Net Zero Energy Systems’ Webinar

CGEF Presents

Hydrogen and the Transition to Net Zero Energy Systems

WATCH the RECORDING of the Webinar 

Canada and at least 72 other nations have committed to net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.  Achieving that will require replacing the C-based energy carriers that currently fuel the global economy (ie gasoline, diesel, natural gas, etc) with zero emission alternatives (e.g. electricity, hydrogen), produced with little or no emissions. While this might sound threatening to Alberta, the province is internationally renowned as one of the lowest cost producers of low carbon ‘blue’ hydrogen (ie hydrogen produced from fossil fuels but with the CO2 byproduct captured and geologically stored). In this presentation, Dr. David Layzell, PhD, FRSC will discuss the magnitude of the opportunity and the possible transition pathway to a Canada-hydrogen economy, led by Alberta.

Dr. David Layzell is a University of Calgary Professor and the Energy Systems Architect for the Transition Accelerator, a non-profit focused on the net-zero energy system transition in Canada. He works with industry, governments and academics to build credible, compelling transition pathways to low carbon economies across Canada.